

Each class Pre Primary to Year 6 has a whole day each week of learning OUTDOORS! Our Walkabout program is one of the key reasons families choose our school. Students develop their personal and social capabilities, a deep understanding of our local environment, and make authentic connections with our community.

Bush scene showing outdoor classroom with children learning music in nature

Instant classroom, Anywhere!

Imagine being able to take your botany class in a forest, your geography lesson while boating down a river and your history class talking with elders who have actually lived it.

This is the magic of walkabout which can take the students to wherever the learning is to be discovered … which is usually … everywhere!

Our experienced teachers identify the learning outcomes required by the WA Curriculum and plan adventures that will give the students real life insights into the content they need to learn.

Children riding bikes over Railway bridge Denmark river located next to Kwoorabup Nature School

Adventure into learning

On walkabout days children are progressively extended into adventurous outdoor activities such as mountain biking, hiking, swimming, surfing and kayaking.

We teach them to assess risk and balance this with the benefits of a planned activity and location, and how to take care of themselves and each other when they are exploring the beautiful natural world.

Outdoor learning with children writing in journals next to Denmark River located by Kwoorabup Nature School

Observing and reflecting

On walkabout children are taught to record their observations and reflections of the day in a keepsake journal that travels with them as they progress through the school.

This allows us to fully absorb and take in the changes that happen in the natural world over the seasons and years, and gives the children a permanent record of their deepening connection to the special places that they visit year after year.

Happy young children in natural cubby they built in the bush at school with their teacher

For the little ones too…

Our smallest explorers are not left out of the walkabout experience, with Kindergarten mini-walkabout expeditions starting within the school grounds and gradually venturing further afield as the children are ready.

And Don’t forget the CAMPS!

From Year 3 onwards our students have regular camps throughout the year. These range from bush hiking and camping to surf camps and adventure activity camps based at more formal accomodation venues.

A highlight for most students is the rights of passage camp held at the end of Year 6 where they venture further afield and camp out at Baladjie rock by the salt lake.

Our younger students also get a taste for the experience with a sleepover at school in Year 2.